Sansiddh Jain


Paratrooper 2018


(Link to the game at the bottom of the page)

As a part of the Design Practises course, Arneish Prateek and I worked on an assignment where the objective was to recreate the classic 1980s shooter game Paratrooper (Gameplay here). In this game, the user controls a turret, which can be rotated left or right. The goal is to get as high a score as possible while the game lasts. Helicopters randomly spawn from different directions, shooting them down gets you points. Paratroopers may also randomly jump out of the helicopter, and shooting them down also gets points. They cannot be shot down after they have landed. If 4 paratroopers land on either side of the turret, the game ends, thus shooting them down is imperative to keep the game going. Additionally, some helicopters may try to fire bombs on the turret, and -5 is added to the net score if they do hit. On reloading ammo, -100 is added to the net score, therefore you are incentivised to use as little ammo as possible (or as few reloads as possible).


The main controls to keep in mind are -

Key Function
Left/Right Arrow Key Rotate Left/Right
Space Shoot
R Reload
W Toggle Weapon

Additional controls -

Key Function
Esc Show controls
P Pause Game
Alt+R Restart Game
Alt+Q Quit Game
N+E Switch to Easy Mode
N+M Switch to Medium Mode
N+D Switch to Hard Mode

Click here to play! We hope the game is exciting and fun.