Sansiddh Jain


For a more detailed overview, please refer to the individual repositories.

Modern Reimagination of Paratrooper
A reimagination of the classic 1980s game Paratrooper - with modern graphics and animations, different difficulty levels, and various game control options. Link to game demo hosted on website below.

              [repo] [demo]

AI Yinsh Bot
Bot to play two-player abstract strategy board game Yinsh. Written for the flagship assignment of the AI course at IIT Delhi.

[repo-1] [repo-2]

Blackjack Policy Calculation
BlackJack modelled as an MDP to calculate best policy for player for different hands.


Latex-to-HTML converter
Code for converting Latex document to HTML webpage using Lex-Yacc.


Conference Scheduling
Using Local Search techniques from AI to obtain most optimal scheduling of papers at a conference.


AI SAT Problem
Code for converting problem of subgraph creation under constraints as a SAT problem.


k Function Approximation
Code for calculating the best k-step-function approximation for a set of points in 2D given a distance metric.


3d Maxima
Algorithm for finding the maximal points among a set of points in 3D.


ML Assignment 4
Internal Kaggle competition on developing models for identifying objects from their hand-drawn images.


ML Assignment 3
Implementations from scratch of Decision Trees on UCI US Census Dataset, and Neural Network on MNIST.


ML Assignment 2
Implementations from scratch of Naive Bayes on IMDB Movie Review Dataset, and SVM on MNIST.


ML Assignment 1
Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Weighted Linear Regression and GDA implementations on a toy dataset.
